
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Freaky Fair #2


  1. hey hello!
    You have a cool house to!

    bye bye bye

  2. @Craoman : thanks mister crao ! creepy cookies to you

    @Annet: tee hee, I'll get you some tickets for the freaky fair

  3. 1 ritje op de electric fun chair graag! xD

  4. sure! "if you survive, please come again"

  5. Dude, Nice work.

    Thx for the comment on my blog.
    I totally love what u do. Btw sry for not beeing at the mural painting in KAVKA. I'll try to be there next time.

    Ps: I linked u up on my blog, hope u don't mind.



  6. hey thx so much man, for the nice words and link ! no problem on the kavka-thing, haven't found the time either the last few weeks.
    keep up that swing !

  7. did you know that Quackshot, Duck Hunt and Kaboom! are all video games?

    ps: those wouldn't be tickets but ticklets

  8. OMG, nooo ?! Except for Duck Hunt, isn't that the revolutionary snes-game where you had a fun-controller that didn't really work but was awesomely cool ?

    haha, ticklets sound so funn :)
    I want ticklets !

  9. well, duck hunt is the nes game with the nes zapper gun, in which you shoot parrots. i mean, ducks.

    and there's a dog laughing at you. damn it to hell into all oblivion.

    ps: the word verification i have to fill in in order to prove that my comment isn't spam, is 'sonatabl', which reminds me of a snottebel-sonata. how nice.

  10. aha, revelation at 17:24. I know the game, but never played it though.

    laughing dogs are perhaps no fun, but ya gotta be careful for the ones that want to rape your leg. Almost happened to me last week.

    I totally wanna hear you do a snottebel-sonata. That would be so awesome. one that would make Beethoven proud.

  11. look under your window. i'm standing there right now, blowing nosely bubbles in a beethovania way upwards...

  12. blast, I was at the dentist. Could you do it again pretty please ? chopin would be cool too

  13. sorry, i've already left and am now serenading the Hoff (offering him some Burpin' Bartok as we speak)

  14. haha, I can't top that ! :D

    or perhaps I can. could you send me your address again, P ?

  15. Jee, lang geleden dat ik nog op je blogspot geweest ben en dan kom je dit tegen. Nice!

  16. hee, merci, Maarten ! ja, dagelijkse updates zou me ook iets te veel zijn :)
